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Gaming Recruiters Corporate Offices
9506 Olive Blvd, PMB 244
St. Louis, MO 63132

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Hire with confidence! Gaming Recruiters takes the stress out of the search process. Our recruiters deliver qualified and talented executives that meet or exceed your requirements and help organizations achieve targeted goals.


Candidate Services:

Let Gaming Recruiters introduce you to the companies that can fast track your career and offer opportunities for advancement.

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We Always Strive For Five Stars!

"Gaming Recruiters is the best in the business. That's it!"

- Lawrence N

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All the information we collect through our website is used solely to help recruit high talented professionals for great gaming companies nationwide and will be kept strictly confidential. 

Gaming Recruiters, LLC works with and in accordance of all Federal, State and Local employment laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or gender.